Self-Defense Resources
A list of some people and places we think are super great!
PLEASE READ: This list consists of programs, gyms, and resources that have been recommended by word-of-mouth and online reviews, or from list by groups whose work inspires our own (thanks to Triangles Everywhere, Southpaw Pod, Angry Asian Womxn, and QT Combat Arts for their resource lists which helped populate ours. See their work linked below). We platform these groups due to their prioritization and centering of historically marginalized identities (i.e. Femme, LGBTQAI+, POC, Disabled etc.), their having members of those identities in positions of leadership (coaches, owners), and/or their having of a politic that inspires our work in creating space for those who have been traditionally pushed out of mainstream self-defense and martial arts spaces.
Note: While we do our best to fully check out each resource we have listed here, situations may change without our knowing (i.e. problematic behavior might occur, a location might close, etc.). If you have any great resources to add (or any information on current resources we have listed), please feel free to email us at, so that we work together to make a resource list that is beneficial to the community at large.
Resource List (updated 03/03/2025)
Physical Self-Defense Programs (NYC-Based)
AAPI Self-Defense
Sisters in Self-Defense- “Asian American women united in self-defense training. We welcome elders and all ages of folx from our community to learn with us.”
- Soar Over Hate- Self-Defense and community events for AAPI community; @soaroverhate on Insta
- Heal from Hate- providing up to 10 free therapy sessions for victims of anti-Asian violence
- Intro to Self-Defense Zine - Printable version. See instructions on how to assemble here
- Partner with Soar Over Hate for a Workshop- Sign up form for organizations interested in setting up a workshop
- They Cant Burn Us All- “a collective focused on driving impact through direct action while building solidarity and community amongst marginalized communities.”; featuring their BRAV3 self-defense program; @tcbua on Insta
General Self-Defense
Center for Anti-Violence Education- Self-Defense and De-escalation classes and programs for adults and youth
- Dragon Combat Club- Clinch & Weapons Sparring Group, volunteer initiative for community self-defense
Feminist Self-Defense- Introductory self-defense classes for people of all genders; @feministselfdefense on Insta
HighKick LLC- Self-defense classes for beginners and martial artists
Malikah- Grassroots anti-violence and wellness organization with self-defense programming; @wearemalikah on Insta
Raising Health- Self-defense, de-escalation, community safety and health resources for the Sunset Park Community; @raisinghealthpartners on Insta
- Self-Offense- “Mother/daughter black belts & entrepeneurs leading workshops in personal protection, listening & boundaries and bullying & harassment prevention”; @self_offense on Insta.
LGBTQ+ Self-Defense Programs
Fearless Queers- Monthly, donation based self-defense class for Queer folks
Queer Fight School- Holds monthly intro Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes for Trans/NB folks, as well as a Jiu-Jitsu open mat for LGBTQAI+ folk
Queer Martial Arts- Pencak Silat classes for queers at the Brooklyn Community Pride Center, Tuesdays 6 - 7:30pm
Trans Boxing- Boxing classes and resources for Trans and NB folk; @transboxing on Insta
- Want to know more? Check out our interview with Nola Hanson of Trans Boxing here
Martial Arts Programming
Black Men Build NYC Boxing Club- “All ages welcome! Free for all registered participants. Gear will be provided, or bring your own. BMB NYC hosts our free community boxing program every 2nd and last Wednesday of the month at The Black Men Build NYC Hub.”; @blackmenbuildnyc on Insta
Harlem Free Fight- Nonprofit teaching free boxing and Brazilian jiu jitsu to teens 13-19; @harlemfreefight on Insta
Women’s Sparring NYC- Regular Muay-Thai sparring classes for women
Women’s Training Center- Muay Thai classes for Women and NB folk at Cornerstone Muay Thai in Flushing, Queens
Gyms We Like
Alchemist Boxing Fitness Club - Boxing classes for youth, teens, and adults
Big Bear Muay Thai- Muay Thai classes in Bed-Stuy. Connected to Vagabond BJJ
Chop & Chops MMA - MMA school in Brooklyn with some programming for Femme/NB folk; @chopandchopsmma on Insta
Devilfish - Fitness boxing available in Red Hook at 17 Caroll St. Classes are open to all levels; beginners are welcome. 18 years and up; @devilfishathletics on Insta
Haven Boxing Queer gym with boxing and fitness classes for all levels; @havenboxing on Insta
Jao Maa Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, classes for kids and adults; @jmabkny on Insta
Jade Fortress- Brazilian Jiu-Jistu classes; @jadefortress on Insta
Outbox- Queer/Trans boxing gym, featuring beginner and intermdiate classses along with athletic classes; @outboxnyc on Insta
UMA Brooklyn- BJJ, Muay Thai, Boxing, Jeet Kun Do, Capoiera and other martial arts classes for adults and kids; @umabrooklyn on Insta
Vagabond BJJ- BJJ classes in Bedstuy. Connected to Big Bear Muay Thai; @vagabondbjjbrooklyn on Insta
Wickwood Aikikai- Aikido classes in Bushwick; @wickwoodaikido on Insta
Long Island
- Sucker Free Jiu-Jitsu- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu school with classes for kids and adults; @suckerfreenewyork on Insta
Unity Jiu Jitsu- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes for kids and adults, featuring adaptive BJJ and self-defense classes for physically and visually impaired; @unityjiujitsu on Insta
The Wat- Muay Thai and conditioning classes for adults and kids; @thewatnyc on Insta
Zombie Muay Thai- Muay Thai, BJJ, and conditioning classes; @zombiemuaythai on Insta
Cornerstone Muay Thai- Muay Thai and BJJ classes for kids and adults; @cornerstone_thai_boxing on Insta
Queens Jiu-Jitsu- Classes for Adults and kids, with classes specifcially for Women, and some special open mat programming for Women and Non Binary folks; queensjiujitsu on Insta
Team Savage MMA- MMA School with LGBTQ BJJ classes every week; @teamsavage_mma on Insta
Online Resources
- Triangles Everywhere- Queer, online BJJ community that sometimes holds events in NYC and elsewhere; @triangles.everywhere.bjj on Insta
- Balagoon Boxing Club- Reflections and curriculum for starting a grassroots Muay Thai program
Home Alive Self-Defense Curriculum for Teacher- Self-defense workshop outline for those interested in leading self-defense classes
Off The Zone- Trauma-informed online martial arts coaching for students and teachers; @off_the_zone on Insta
Southpaw Pod- Mixed martial arts and training podcast, featuring the Liberation Martial Arts Online curriculum’ @southpawpod on Insta
- The Traction Project Publications (@tractionproject on Insta)-
- Women Empowered BJJ- BJJ self-defense online course for women
Self-Defense Guides and Equipment
- Angry Asian Womxn- Safety, wellness + community 4 Asian Pacific Islander and Arab women, femmes and gender expansive folks. See link for great self-defense resources, How-Tos, events; @angryasianwomxn on Insta
Asian American Federation x Center for Anti-Violence Education Stay Safe from Hate (English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Tagalog, Vietnamese)- Little booklet with de-escalation and self-defense tips
- Malikah Self-Defense Starter Kit; @wearemalikah on Insta
Soar Over Hate Intro to Self-Defense Zine - Printable version. See instructions on how to assemble here
- The Traction Project Publications (@tractionproject on Insta)-
- A Self Defense Study Guide for Trans Women and GNC/Nonbinary AMAB Folks- created by Transfighters Oakland,
- The Yellow Whitstle- Providers of safety whistles; @theyellowwhistle on Insta
Bystander Intervention
De-Escalation and Grounding for Activists Revolutionaries and Everyone- Zine with De-Escalation Tips by KC Van Der Zee and Kang Trevens
Home Alive- Bystander Intervention handouts and tips
Right to Be- Great resource for trainings on Bystander Intervention and De-Escalation strategies; @righttobe on Insta
Other Resources
Center for Anti-Violence Education Resource Guide- featuring resources on mutual aid, food access, wellness, hotlines, mental health, violence and more.
Know Your Rights for Protestors Zine by the National Lawyers Guild- Zine in English, Spanish, Arabic, and Farsi
Mutual Aid, Trauma, and Resiliency- zine on communities building resiliency and addressing PTSD by the Jane Adams Collective
NYC Domestic and Gender-Based Violence Support- Resources for victims of human trafficking, survivors of sexual violence, LGBTQ+ and teens.